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Welcome to Plaid Eggnog!

Jun 30, 2012

30 June - Quotidian Quotations

We saw the quote below in action, when we went to Guatemala on a trip with a child sponsorship organization. It became remarkably easy to tell which families had caring, thoughtful parents and which ones did not, even before we met them.

Every time we drove into a family's yard, we observed the animals (and there were always some). If the adults and children ignored them or treated them carelessly, we could expect the same behaviour with other people. However, if the family obviously cared for the animals as pets, showing them affection and considering them as creatures with their own, God-given dignity, then we could expect them to treat people in such a way, too.

Here's today's quote, from the Bible's wisdom literature:

"Good people are good to their animals;
the "good-hearted" bad people kick and abuse them."

- Proverbs 12:10

Jun 25, 2012

25 June - Quotidian Quotations

"Oh that the desert were my dwelling-place!"

- Lord Byron, poet

For me, there is nothing as beautiful as an arid landscape.

Since visiting several deserts over the past few years - the Sonoran in Arizona, the Mojave in California and Nevada, the badlands in the Dakotas and the Dead Sea region in Israel - I have fallen in love with their stark, expansive beauty.

In my opinion, though, none can approach the combination of parched dryness and surprisingly lush vegetation that is found in little-known Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Located in the least-visited state of the USA, North Dakota, this gem of a landscape allows hikers to share trails with wild horses, bison and rattlesnakes. There are dangers - not the least of which is the intense plains sun - but getting right down into the towering, multicoloured badland dunes, sighting a far-off bison herd, walking right through the middle of a prairie dog colony's antics, and stopping to see a delicate yet brilliantly coloured desert flower are all well worth the watchfulness and slightly heightened anxiety of the journey.

We all have arid times in life, too, when we find ourselves in the desert. It's dry and may appear barren or even dangerous, making us want to turn back. Instead, may we don our wide-brimmed hats of God's protection from the sun's intensity, pick up our water bottles of God's Word for sustenance, and trust our guide - God himself - to lead us through the dangers. Then we'll have the peace of mind to enjoy the view. Even in the desert.

- J

Jun 23, 2012

23 June - Quotidian Quotations

"I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything."

- Jesus, in the Bible (Mark 11)

Jun 21, 2012

21 June - Quotidian Quotations

1-2 I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains?
No, my strength comes from God,
who made heaven, and earth, and mountains.

3-4 He won't let you stumble,
your Guardian God won't fall asleep.
Not on your life! Israel's
Guardian will never doze or sleep.

5-6 God's your Guardian,
right at your side to protect you—
Shielding you from sunstroke,
sheltering you from moonstroke.

7-8 God guards you from every evil,
he guards your very life.
He guards you when you leave and when you return,
he guards you now, he guards you always.

- Psalm 121 from The Message

Jun 20, 2012

20 June - Quotidian Quotations

Repentance "is the turning point marking the transition from a dreamy nostalgia for a better life to a rugged pilgrimage of discipleship in faith."

- Eugene Peterson in A Long Obedience in the Same Direction

Jun 18, 2012

18 June - Quotidian Quotations

"A disciple is a learner, but not in the academic setting of a schoolroom, rather at the work site of a craftsman. We do not acquire information about God but skills in faith."

- Eugene Peterson, in A Long Obedience in the Same Direction 

Jun 17, 2012

17 June - Quotidian Quotations

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds."
-- Edward Abbey, writer.

Jun 14, 2012

14 June - Quotidian Quotations

The Doxology

- in Cree and English, as the majority of Anglicans in our Diocese of Saskatchewan are Cree.

Mumichimik Wayootaweek
Mena Jesus Wakoosisek
Mena Kunatiseet Achak
Mamowe payuk Muneto

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Praise him, all creatures here below
Praise him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


Jun 13, 2012

13 June - Quotidian Quotations

"We need to learn to party."

- Bishop Michael Hawkins, at our Diocese of Saskatchewan Clergy Day today

Jun 12, 2012

12 June - Quotidian Quotations

An image especially for all the moms out there, particularly new moms:

"You've had a taste of God. Now, like infants at the breast, drink deep of God's pure kindness. Then you'll grow up mature and whole in God." - 1 Peter 2:2-3

What a lovely picture...we are invited to be cradled in God's arms in an intimate embrace, just like babies are cuddled by their mothers in an atmosphere of love - having the deep assurance that all is well, everything needed is provided, and worry is so unnecessary that peaceful sleep soon takes over. Complete well being ("shalom") and satisfaction. May we drink deeply of this pure kindness God offers us today. - Julie

Jun 10, 2012

10 June - Quotidian Quotations

"Ever let your hook be hanging;
where you least believe it,
there will be a fish in the stream."

-Ovid, poet

Jun 8, 2012

8 June - Quotidian Quotations

"A city skyline sets the pulses of travelers racing with the promise of fruitful encounters.

'Living together is an art,' preached the minister William Pickens. It is an art perfected by urban dwellers."

- from a daily calendar

Perhaps some small-town and rural people will quibble with the city focus of this quote, but I think it's onto something. In a city, you run into people from all walks of life, and you can't avoid meeting people who are very different from you. You generally can't choose your neighbours, and you may not even know them, yet you live in very close proximity and depend on each other's good will on an everyday basis.

It's interesting that a quote from a sermon would be listed with the musings about urban life. However, it's a good way to highlight how interdependent we are to be within our church communities. Just as city dwellers need to learn to live together, and it is in fact an art, so do church members need to do so.

Only we in the church need to go a step further...we need to learn to love - as ourselves - all the people we brush shoulders with when we gather. To care about each other as much as we care about our biological brothers and sisters. Easier said than done, but it's a beautiful thing to see and be part of when it happens.

- Julie

Jun 4, 2012

4 June - Quotidian Quotations

"I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also."

- written from Paul to young Timothy, his son and colleague in service to God.

This resonates with me; maybe it does with you also. Like Timothy, I learned from the faith of my grandparents and parents.

Gramp and Gram Golding showed me the importance of sticking to good teaching - and yet being absolutely kind and forgiving, and going all out for those who defy or reject God's way.

Grampie Reg and Nannie Hughena showed me the necessity of being committed to a worshipping community, whether quietly (like Grampie) or by being involved in many activities (like Nannie).

My parents, Gary and Nancy, taught me how to be generous even when others consider you poor, and to stay with God even during hard times.

And all these people taught me how to love, each in their own particular way, on an everyday basis.

Who were your "ancestors" in the faith, whether related by blood or not? Why not thank God for them today - and, if possible, let them know how much their faith training and example means to you?



Jun 3, 2012

3 June - Quotidian Quotations

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth and sky and sea;
Holy, Holy, Holy! Merciful and Mighty,
God in Three Persons, Blessed Trinity!

-from the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy"

What a mysterious, powerful - yet loving and merciful - God we have.
Happy Trinity Sunday!

Jun 2, 2012

2 June - Quotidian Quotations

"No guilt in life
No fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me

From life's first cry
To final breath
Jesus commands my destiny"

- from modern hymn "In Christ Alone"